When I started blogging, I never thought it would take me to where we are today. I didn't even think anyone would read the blog outside of my family and a few close friends. Fast forward 10 years - and I was asked to be a guest speaker in a class.
Mr. J's teacher had a project in mind for his grade 5/6 class this year, and asked for my feedback on it. He wanted the class to have a blog, with the kids being the authors of it. Along with Chris from Canadian Dad, I went in a couple of weeks ago to talk to the kids about the world of blogging. How Tales of Mommyhood started, opportunities that have arisen because of the blog and to answer questions that they may have.
After Chris and I spoke to the class, they were given an assignment to create a blog post. They could write something, make a video or create a podcast.
Walking around and talking to the students (27 kids aged 9-12), it was really interesting to hear some of their ideas (I was informed that there is a thing called "finger dancing", not something I had ever heard of before) A few of them had so many topic options they were having a difficult time choosing one, and then there were others that were finding it hard to come up with even one topic.
This week some of their posts went live! You can watch Mr. J perform a bo kata, hear about ski racing, learn how to make candles, find out how to perform some gymnastic moves, and hear a review about a store in BC.
There will be plenty more to come, and I know they would love if you checked out their blog, 9212blog.com
That's awesome that you got to talk to the kids about blogging! And that they started their own