Well, this is it - the final summer update. I am quite surprised at how fast this summer vacation flew by, although I know that I say that every year. As the kids get older, it seems to go by quicker and quicker.
Hubby was off this week; he took them for their back to school hair cuts at the beginning of the week, Mr. K turned 8, there were some epic nerf battles (with hubby and Mr. K, me and Mr. K, Mr. K and a friend), hubby got a brand new truck, Mr. K and I had some special errands to run on Thursday (one of them buying his cub scout uniform), and Mr. J and hubby went golfing. We had our annual visit to the Carp Custom Creamery for ice cream, and are finishing up by spending some time at my aunt and uncles cottage today.
As the kids get older, it is even more apparent to me how important it is to spend time together as a family. Playing board games, going for ice cream, seeing a movie, bike rides etc. It's not always about what interests us as parents, but spending time doing things that the kids like, even if it's not something we particularly enjoy.
School starts back in a couple of days, and while I am looking forward to having a bit more routine, it's just one year closer to them growing up and leaving home. I am happy that they are growing and maturing, and seeing the changes makes me smile, but it's something that is bittersweet. They will always be my "babies", and I will always want to snuggle them and hold them like when they were young, but they don't seem to want that anymore.
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