The Ride gives you access to ALL transit options in your area, wherever you happen to be in Canada.
You can use The Ride to get up to date information on the transit services in your area, plan your route or e-hail a ride. With The Ride app, you can pre-book a taxi for later in the evening, connect with the driver or with dispatch. You can track your cab and will be notified when it arrives. You even have a chance to rate the driver after.
Interested in downloading The Ride to your mobile phone? You can get The Ride here. Use the code RideWithAshley - it will get you 1 free credit (1 free e-hail). The first 30 days after downloading the app, convenience fees ($2 to e-hail) are waived. The credit will be stored in your account and you can use it after the first month.
I dislike wasting time in traffic, and if I can plan out my routes knowing the quickest way to get somewhere, that will make my life so much easier.
This is a sponsored post. All opinions belong to Tales of Mommyhood and your experience/opinion may vary.
that seems like a great app to have - thank you for sharing about it
ReplyDeleteThis is so great. I find myself often opting to drive because (unfortunately), transportation in Toronto isn't always "the easy way". This is a great way to figure out an alternative mode and route!
ReplyDeleteThe Ride app sounds great! I think it's great that it gives you instant access to all transit options in my city. I'm checking it out now!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great app if you use taxis a lot! Love that it gives you access to all of the options!
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of pre-booking a cab. This is awesome, I'm downloading it now.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds really cool, I live in smallstownville so we dont even have transportation, but this sounds like an easy way to figure it all out when visiting a major city
ReplyDeleteWow,this will be great if we get to take a trip to the city over the summer.Thanks