Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

2013 was a year of changes, both here at Tales of Mommyhood and personally.

Changes with friends - some friendships lost, but new ones gained.

Changes with the kids - they are now 3 and 6 years old.  Changing and developing daily. They are growing into the men they will become.  Mr. J entered grade one, that in itself was a huge change for all of us as he was now full days at school.

Mr. K is spending time at nursery school and activities without mom. He is flourishing, and now the practice for JK starts (learning to zip up coat, put on boots etc himself) so that he will be ready come September.

For me, I made a vow to yell at my kids less.  For the most part, I have done pretty well.  There are still times where the ugly yell shows up, but I am happy to say that it is less and less. I am learning to be more patient - and figuring out different ways of getting things across.

I am not one to make a new years resolution, but I will say this.  2014 is going to be a year in which I parent for my children's needs.  I am going to accept all the hugs and kisses; I am going to embrace the chaos and loudness that my little boys are.  I am going to curb the "in a minute" or "I am busy".

Are you happy with 2013? What are you looking for going into 2014?


  1. 2014 will be the year that I love myself a little bit more than I have! Happy New Year to you and your family!

    1. Good for you! All the best in the coming months!

  2. I would LOVE to yell less in 2014. I am hoping that being at home on maternity leave for 4 months will restore my patience and soften me a bit. Expecting baby #4 and working full time is a BIT hard on you at times. Isn't it incredible how much the kids mature and change just in a year!?!

  3. Happy New Year! Hopefully 2014 can be a year that hubby and I can take some time for us, even hoping that a vacation might be in the plans. (Judy Cowan)

  4. 2013 wasn't the best year in our household but hopefully 2014 will be a whole lot better!


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