Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Yummy Jello and Kool-aid popsicles

trying the popsicle - it's a hit!
Growing up my mom used to make us popsicles all the time.  She would make pudding pops, jello pops, juice pops - and probably other varieties.

I was reading my friend Sandy's blog the other day, and she had posted a recipe for home made popsicles that reminded me of when I was a kid.  I knew I had to make them for my own kids.

With the house in chaos today (the windows/doors are being replaced) I needed something to help entertain Mr. J - and I knew it was going to be quite warm, so it was a great day to break out the popsicle molds!

Do you like popsicles? What is your favorite flavour?


  1. I have made yogurt pops, kool-aid pops, and juice pops for my boys! They love them :)

    Thanks for linking up! You can link up again:

    1. thanks Shari - they really are super easy to make aren't they?

  2. Sounds like a great idea! I need some popsicle molds. I usually buy popsicles from the store, but it's so much more fun to make your own! My mom used to make them too. I loved them as a kid.

    1. I seem to end up buying new molds every year...thanks for the comment !

  3. They look yummy! love the cute photos! xo xo

  4. Thanks for the yummy recipe heads up. And how sensible to replace windows in the early summer. Hmmm we should try that instead of November! Brrrr

    1. haha - well, it wasn't planned that way. Thanks for stopping by

  5. Yay! So glad you tried these out, Ashley. Love the pictures...someone looks happy :) I've already made these a few times this year. My favourite flavour? I think it's a tie between strawberry and grape. Thanks for linking up!

    1. so so yummy! We made strawberry, although I think I would prefer grape or orange (I LOVE strawberries, not a fan of strawberry koolaid though)

  6. I love making my own popsicles! I never thought of using Jell-o & Kool-Aid! You inspired me to try them along with my own pudding pops!


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