Friday, June 21, 2013

Mom's Pure Wisdom - Nestlé® Pure Life®

This post is sponsored by Nestlé® Pure Life® - as part of their Mom's Pure Wisdom campaign in collaboration with Linqia

moms pure wisdom

My mom is my best friend; she always has been.  She has always been a great listener, and full of awesome advice.
"Be kind to others, and always treat them how YOU want to be treated"

These are words that were spoken often by my mother while I was growing up.  If I came home from school upset because of a spat with my friends, or something that happened.  This was her advice. These are the same words that I try and instill into MY children.

me and my mom at my bachelorette party

Our fridge was always filled with yummy food and a jug of water.  Even now, with my brother and I out of the house she keeps a pitcher of water in the fridge.  Whenever we (or her grandkids) would complain of being thirsty, she would always offer us "fresh and tasty water" - because "water is the best thing for you to drink".  She drilled into us the importance of staying hydrated, not only for the body but for the mind too. It is something that stuck, and at home I do the same with my boys.  We have milk and juice in the fridge also, but my go to drink for myself and kids is water. I find having cold water in the fridge helps in keeping the kids hydrated.

Become a fan of Nestlé® Pure Life® on Facebook and stay tuned for the launch of this year’s Hydration Movement in late July! Nestlé® Pure Life® will continue to focus on healthy hydration, while also embracing Mom’s Wisdom – sharing and discovering all of the little things that moms have shared over the generations that make our lives better. And one thing all moms can agree on is that it’s important to keep the family healthy, hydrated and happy.

This year, Nestlé® Pure Life® is asking fans to take a simple online pledge to drink more water.  They can also enter a sweepstakes for a chance to win prizes and share their own wisdom through the Facebook mosaic.

So let's hear it - what are your mom's words of wisdom? Funny or serious - I would love to hear them.

**Tales of Mommyhood received compensation for this post; all opinions belong to Tales of Mommyhood and your opinion/experience may vary**


  1. My Mom's words are similar Do on to others as you would like them to do onto you!

  2. My mom's would be similar to what has already been said - and boy oh boy do I ever need to increase my consumption of water!

  3. Love the idea of focussing on drinking more water - something I need to focus on, especially in the summer months!

    My mom's words of wisdom. "If you're not bleeding from your eyeballs you can go to school." :)

  4. what a lovely thing to learn from your Mommy!

  5. Yep, my mom also always had a pitcher of water always waiting for us. Pop was a treat that she only bought a few times a year. Man,I went soda crazy when I moved out on my own.

    1. we did grow up with pop in the house, as my father was a coke drinker. It was something we were allowed to drink occasionally - however, my mom was NOT a pop drinker. Thanks for commenting

  6. Fabulous advice. It's how I plan on raising my children. Soda is a treat!

    1. for our kids too. We do let them drink it occasionally - if we are out at a restaurant (although they tend to pick chocolate milk most times). thanks for the visit

  7. Yes, pop is a treat for my kids though my parents had it in the house growing up. It's milk, water and the odd time juice. Pop when we dine out, sometimes.

  8. Great advice and super cool. Pop is drank in our home I'm ashamed to say but so is water. It's a great thirst quencher and I cannot live without it, over lots of ice nice and cold on a hot day! Mmmmmm

    1. don't be ashamed about it - we do drink it occasionally in my house too! (hubby and I more than the kids though) although we have done well in cutting down over the last 6 months. A case of 12 used to last a week, now it lasts 2-3 months - thanks so much for commenting

  9. Great post! My mom is also a HUGE water drinker, and I have passed that onto my kiddos as well! They don't drink much juice or pop...water is a fave!

    1. that's great to hear! thank you for commenting

  10. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't bother saying it!


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