Monday, October 15, 2012

WIN $50.00 to Tiny Prints!!!!

I remember growing up, my family always received a ton of Christmas cards every year, and my mom sent out quite a few also.  As an adult, hubby and I started sending Christmas cards the first year we owned our home - and continued for several years. I have cut down on the amount we send, as it got to be difficult getting them done with 2 kids hanging around.

Do you send out Christmas cards? Do you send Photo Christmas Cards? Now is your chance to win a $50.00 gift code to Tiny Prints - entering is easy, just use the rafflecopter form below - and good luck! Giveaway is open from October 15-October 29th.

Thanks to Creating Comfort for letting me take part!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We don't buy in to 'back to school' shopping. Items such as clothing, supplies, etc are simply purchased year round. Jan

  2. Can't find the products on the list

  3. The huge long list the teacher sends home.


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