I have said it on here many times before - I am very pro-breastfeeding. I would never hold it against someone that chose NOT to breastfeed - but for my family, there wasn't a choice. I suppose if I hadn't been able to nurse, then I would have gone to formula (and Julien was on a mix of breast milk/formula in the NICU) - but I didn't have to cross that path.
I am fortunate that I have been successful at nursing, as I know many that haven't been. I have witnessed their feelings of failure (which I don't think they need to feel) and their guilt of using formula (again, I don't think you should feel guilty about how you nourish your child).
I am also a believer in the health benefits of breast milk. My oldest was in the NICU for 10 days, and I have been told by more than one health professional that his intake of breast milk is probably one of the reasons he recovered so quickly.
Until I had Kyle, I was a little skeptical - I really wondered how they could know for sure that breast milk has so many benefits - here are just a few "un-orthodox" uses for breast milk I had/have heard:
- use it to clean out nasal passages instead of saline
- use it for conjunctivitis (eye gunk)
- to clean your child
- to clear up baby acne
- use on diaper rash
- helps to build immunity and protect against illness
When Kyle was born, I used breast milk to clean his eyes, his nose and it helped to clear up his baby acne. When he was a few months old, I heard about the diaper rash trick - and it worked there too.
Kyle is 19 mths old, and has never TRULY been sick; he has had the odd case of sniffles, or the start of a cold - but when hubby, Jules and I are knocked flat - he generally gets a very MILD case of whatever we have - and I attribute that to the breast milk he is still getting.
The body is a wondrous thing - it still amazes me that my body can produce the nourishment he needs every day.
I loved breastfeeding my two kids! Some days I truly miss it!
ReplyDeleteI was really emotional when my oldest weaned at 13mths...I wasn't ready yet - I enjoyed it so much
DeleteThe body is such an amazing thing, breastfeeding was a treasured time for me...however when I had issues with my 2nd daughter b/f I was highly pressered to go to any lengths to succeed. As a new mum with 1 child under 2yrs and a new baby I'd never encourage that kind of pressure being exerted upon someone.
ReplyDeleteI agree - I don't think ppl should be pressured into BF or FF....
DeleteThe body is truly a wondrous thing! Glad your enjoying your experience.
DeleteYES!! And the sad thing is, so many women just give up because it hurts or they don't have support, and then their babies miss out on all those benefits. :(
ReplyDeleteit is true - the support for nursing mothers is sadly lacking. We have all these rights regarding nursing and public - but there isn't enough support to help out those that need it
DeleteI am breastfeeding and love it. My little guy just turned 12 months and I am in no rush to stop. I know how much I am going to miss it. Those who do it a for a few days or weeks and then decide its too hard, they need support. If more women had women friends who breastfeed or had breastfed and they were comfortable enough with to actually have them help, then I think more women would breastfeed.
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding really is an amazing thing. One of my favorite shirts that I saw said "I make milk, what is your super power?" Because breastmilk is like having a super power - I am still nursing my 21 month old, he has never been really sick (colds yes, but never needed antibiotics). And as a preemie as well, you could tell how he responded better to milk then formula.
ReplyDeleteI'm very pro breastfeeding as well. I exclusively pumped for my 1st born and breastfed my second born. I really miss the bond.