Thursday, June 29, 2017

Personalized Chore Chart Printable

School is out for the summer, and that means the kids are home with me. Today is our FIRST day of summer fun. I am so excited for all the great things we can do together while they are off school. That even includes cleaning :) yes, I am that mom....just because they are on summer break doesn't mean they get a free pass to do nothing around the house.  During the school year, I tend to do most of the household chores during the day while they aren't home. Now that summer vacation has hit, they are with me 90% of the summer.

That means they get to do more chores around the house than they do normally throughout the year. Here is an awesome FREE printable (click link) for you to download and print. If you have it laminated once it's printed, you could use a dry erase marker - allowing you to re-use the same chart each week. Otherwise, print off a few copies to start fresh.

My kids each have a *job* they are responsible for, and then I assign other tasks as needed. This could include vacuuming, washing the floor, collecting garbage they leave around etc

What type of chores do your kids do?

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