Saturday, October 10, 2015

Are You A Volunteer?

When I was in 7th grade, I volunteered at a retirement home. I served dinner to the residents twice a week.  It started out as community service hours for religion class, but when my 10 hours were up I stayed with it for another 6 months or so.  I eventually stopped, but I look back on that time fondly.

Now, I try and volunteer at the boys school as much as possible. I am a member of the school council and help out with whatever events I can. I also try to make it into their classes whenever possible. Last year was wonderful as I was able to help out in Mr. J's class weekly.  Even though I rarely saw him, I loved the time I spent with his classmates.

At this point, the school is the only place that I volunteer, but I do hope to change that in the future.  I would like to help out at the local food cupboard.

Do you volunteer your time or services in your community? I would love to hear how!


  1. I volunteer for Looking Glass Foundation working with eating disorder patients

  2. PAC President. Yikes. My volunteering capacity is thus, tapped out. :)

    1. I am a voting member of council ... not sure I could take on the president/chair-person role....good for you!

  3. I volunteer with the Fraser Valley Permaculture Guild. We glean from farmers and greenhouses and distribute to local food banks and schools. I also volunteer at Farm to Foodbank doing the same thing. We also can/preserve weekly because we have a greater volume of fresh produce than can be used immediately. We also help a landscape company build nature play spaces at schools. And l also volunteer at my child's school with the PAC, in the library and in the classroom. I have volunteered to help at the next BC Summer Games. I am striving to be a great role model for my daughter.

    1. that is awesome - and it sounds like you are definitely someone that should be looked up to!

  4. I'm the VP of my university's alumni association - so I volunteer to coordinate various events that reconnect people with the university - I love it. I also mentor a student and get to do things like speak at convocation and attend other events. It is a wonderful way to give back and stay connected with the community.

    I have never NOT volunteered - it is such a part of me that I make sure I find time to do so. - Louise


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