Monday, August 24, 2015

Week 8 Update on our Summer Bucket List

Week 8 has now come to and end.  This week they are in day camp, and then we have 1 last week together before the school year begins.

I was hoping to get mini golf crossed off last week, but the boys weren't co-operating with me when we had the chance to go, so it did not happen.  We have a few more items to get to, but the major things I wanted to do have been done, so I am pretty happy.
  1.  family bike ride
  2.  neighbourhood water fight...not a waterfight, but water play!
  3.  visit different local parks
  4.  go to the cottage
  5.  go for ice cream at carp custom creamery  - 
  6.  Mr. J wants to learn to skateboard
  7.  strawberry picking  we went AGAIN! Week 1 and Week 2!!
  8.  swimming
  9.  visit saunders farm
  10.  visit valley view farm
  11.  mini golf
  12.  driving range
  13.  Mr. K and Mr. J sleepovers at grandpa and grandma's
  14.  movie theater with Syd
  15.  play with cousins
  16.  ice cream from the ice cream truck - was really hoping to cross this off, but the ice cream truck has NOT been around our neighbourhood since early spring
  17.  play outdoor games in the backyard 
  18.  bake together 
  19.  for the kids to read at least a book a week (10 books) (Mr. K and I have read 19 together, and Mr. J finished 7 - so we are definitely on the right track!)
Do you make a bucket list for your family? If you do - please feel free to link it up here!


  1. Some more item crossed off....well done!

    Water play has taken up most of our afternoons!

  2. Watching things get checked off your list is exciting! The ice cream truck hasn't been around our neighbourhood either!

  3. I really enjoyed this post and i love the idea of having a summer bucket list and over the winter I am going to make a list for next summer.

  4. I have really enjoyed following you as you have crossed items off your list.


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