Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The 31 Day House Cleaning Routine

Yesterday while checking out blog pages on facebook, I came across a cleaning schedule and shared it to my page. (more so I could go back and look at it later).

After the kids went to bed, I went back to look at it and have decided that I am going to try and implement the tasks into my daily routine.

I WANT a clean house, but I am often overwhelmed with cleaning my entire house and I never know where to start (which makes it easy to procrastinate).

Since today is November 5th, I am going to do the first 5 days, and move day 6 bathrooms to day 10 (and bring the other days forward) just for this month.

I am planning to document this by photo's (to try and stay accountable to myself for actually keeping on track with it).  I will most likely post them on the facebook page and twitter.

What is your "clean routine"?

For more posts about my lack of organization/cleaning read about my dirty little secret and my chuck and shut


  1. This is a pretty good schedule to follow. I always start in the livingroom, then bathroom, bedroom and last my kitchen, but my home is tiny and all my rooms run off of the kitchen, so it doesn't take me long to clean, plus if you do a little everyday, it's manageable to keep on top of it!!

    1. I really just have ZERO motivation to clean my house (it's not HUGE) but with 2 messy little boys, it is always overwhelming.

    2. I also know what your saying too, one Saturday I had the whole house to myself and went crazy cleaning, well that was short lived because I offered to have my granddaughter spend the night, it's amazing what a two year old can do, when she went home it looked like a tornado went through, all I wanted to do was sit and cry

  2. I make a list and figure out the biggest task, do it first and then everything after doesn't feel so bad

  3. I also make a list in the morning and goo from top priority down to the little things I usually get all things done and if not it goes back on the list for the next day.

  4. Since I had baby boy number 2 finding time to clean on a schedule is really hard so I clean at different times every day. I'm doing the best I can.

  5. Thank you for posting. I need some motivation as we have been sick and my husband just finished traveling. All that adds up to some bad habits and cobwebs!


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