Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Batman And The Zombie

halloween, pumpkins, batman, zombie costume, minecraft

Halloween has come and gone again; in the morning I went to the school to help out in Mr. J's class - the grades 1-6 were in orange and black and the lower grades were doing halloween crafts for the morning.

While I was helping out with the crafts, the kinder kids had a costume parade through the school to show off their Halloween costumes.  It was cute to see, and I was happy to get to watch Mr. K.

In the afternoon it was the school dance-a-thon - the annual fundraiser for the school.  They had it blocked off into 3 time periods.

The kids had a blast running around and dancing, and each were given a glow bracelet. I was able to see both Mr. J's group and Mr. K's group.

When we got home, we carved the last of our pumpkins and hubby and the kids got the decorations ready.

Mr. K wasn't feeling well (he had been up and down all week with a cough and sore throat)  Mr. J and I went to the neighbours to work on his zombie make up, and when we came back Mr. K had fallen asleep.
halfway to becoming a zombie
Their grandpa came over and I got Mr. K into his costume.  We always start out by going to our immediate neighbour, and then the boys head out with their dad and grandpa.  With Mr. K not 100%, he only went out for 20 minutes or so.

Batman and Zombie ready for Trick or Treating
When he got home, we sorted through his candy (anything we don't like went back into the bowl we were handing out).

He took off his costume and was the best little helper! Every time the bell rang, he grabbed the bars and dropped them into the bags/pumpkins.

Mr. J got back after about an hour and we sorted through his candy.  They both got quite the haul! They spent Saturday and Sunday snacking on it, and now it is put away and will be used as treats now and then!

I sure hope you all enjoyed yourselves!


  1. Nice haul of candy, my grandkids did real good

  2. Too bad your little guy wasn't feeling well but it sounds like he had fun helping to shell out :).

  3. Those are AWESOME costumes. The Zombie make up is amazing. :)

  4. Lots of kiddies in cute costumes my daughter had about 200 children come to her door

  5. Awe I love the costumes and wow a haul of treats !


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