Friday, August 2, 2013

PostPartum Depression - Don't Suffer Alone

When my oldest was born, it never occurred to me that I might be suffering from any sort of postpartum depression.  I had times where I was slightly sad (considering that he was whisked away right after birth and transferred to CHEO at less than a day old, I wasn't really surprised) When he came home, I loved it. Taking care of him was what I was meant to do. But some times, when the crying just wouldn't end - I would cry right along with him.  It wasn't just about the crying though, I was sad. It was a different kind of sad than I had felt before.  I never thought of harming myself, or of harming him.

But still, I never thought I was experiencing PPD.  That is, until my youngest was born.  I honestly could not believe the difference in my emotions.  I had some triggers that would have me in tears, but I was generally happy and upbeat.  It was like night and day compared to when my oldest was a newborn.  At my 6 week check up, my doctor asked me about things - and I was very honest with her.  She agreed that I had probably been suffering with mild PPD after Mr. J was born.

There has been so much in the news recently about PPD and women harming their children and/or themselves.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE seek help. Tell your husband, your mother, your best friend and your doctor.  Do not feel that you are bothering them, or making things seem worse than they are. Lean on them for support.

To know you are not alone, here are some links from other bloggers that have also written about PPD:

Maple Leaf Mommy
Many Waters 
Kids in Kanata

If you have written about PPD, please leave me the link in the comments below and I will add it into this post


  1. Thanks for talking about this on your blog. I heard about the recent tragic situation and it is so sad.


    1. There seems to be so much literature out about it in the medical world - we need to get WOMEN talking about it though, so they don't feel so alone....thanks for stopping by

  2. Looking back I think I too suffered a mild PPD after my first baby was born, but at the time I didn't recognize the symptoms. Honestly, even if I had, I don't know if I would have said anything. "Back then", nobody talked about PPD. Thank you for sharing your experiences with this illness, in light of the recent tragedy we all need to be more aware of PPD.

    1. That's what is so hard - I always just figured that because I was OK - I was FINE. However, it wasn't until I realized the difference between the 2 births that I realized I actually WASN'T ok..thanks for sharing!

  3. Mental health issues have such a black mark people are afraid to speak up.

    1. that is very true...time for it to stop though, and the talking to start. Thanks for stopping by

  4. my cousins wife suffered horribly from PPD, she's still has so many fears she is not able to travel very far from home. She missed my wedding because of it.

    1. that's too bad - I hope she sought help? I imagine she did since you know about it...tough situation for sure.

  5. I think it's horrible even in a regular situation how completely alone a new mom can feel. Sadly PPD only makes that worse. :(

    1. Being a new mom can definitely make you feel isolated, especially if your close circle doesn't have other new moms. Thanks so much for your commetn!

  6. I have suffered from extreme PPD with both my children. The first time was so horrible, I spent days in bed. My youngest I never wanted to hold him, or even go near him. PPD can be worse for women like me with Bipolar Disorder. It's important to get medical advice. I was on anti-depressants through my whole pregnancy (safe for my son) and it helped me tremendously get my PPD afterwards under control so I did not reach that point of hurting my child or myself. Good for you for bringing this to light.

    1. thank you so much for sharing. This is what we need - women talking OPENLY about their own experiences - no matter how mild or severe it was/is

  7. I was diagnosed at 6 months postpartum with PPD. It was rough. I agree, we do need to talk about it more openly so more women know that it is normal!

    I've mentioned in briefly on my blog. I did write a post about placenta encapsulation which helped my PPD. I totally understand if it is not quite what you're looking for and don't want to add it!

    1. It's not for me, but maybe it will help someone else; I have heard about it, but not what the benefits could be. Thanks for posting!

  8. Too many people are too afraid to speak up. I believe I suffered a mild form of depression after having 3 babies in 2 years. Thanks very much for sharing this.

    1. thank you for sharing! Please continue to share with others in your life that may experience the same.

  9. I suffered from postpartum depression years ago after giving birth to my only daughter. I would just cry at the drop of a hat.

  10. I'm so glad you're talking about this. It's so important to new moms and moms to be to know about PPD! I suffered from mild PPD after my first born and everyone brushed it aside.

    1. I am sorry that it was brushed aside, but thanks for sharing with us. I hope that it helps someone else to know they are not alone.

  11. Thanks for sharing! PPD is an important issue.

  12. A good friend of mine suffered from this and I hope this problem is taken more seriously!

  13. I suffered with PPD both times. Thanks for sharing such an important post.

  14. thanks for the awareness post, I have always needed to increase my antidepressents after my babies were born

  15. Thanks for your article on PostPartum Depression.
    This is an important issue.

  16. Thanks for the discussion on this, this is a topic that needs to be discussed more openly to let women know they are not alone, it is normal & theyre not a'bad mom' for experiencing this. Awesome article!

  17. i suffered from PPD for a year after my daughter was born. It was extremely hard as a single mother with no help. But my daughter helped me get passed it. She is my star :-)

  18. I think one of the scary things about PPD is .. people.. even new mommy, don't always realize just how 'down' they are... everyone is so wrapped up in the new baby... and new mommy is kind of standing off trying to sort herself out, and not feel bad for it.

  19. Yes, I agree with Darlene - everyone is so wrapped up in the newness of life and the changes and busyness. I believe I suffered from mild PPD after the birth of at least one of my children. It is hard to get out of that fog on your own; you need others to recognize that you aren't right too, and then support you through it.

  20. My daughter had colic [checked by several Dr.'s incl. CHEO] for nine months. She cried 18-20hrs in a 24hr period. She only slept in 10min. intervals for a total of 4hrs in a 24hr period. It was the hardest time that my husband and I have ever gone through. It was the worst case that anyone I knew, had ever seen. I cried an aweful lot and my husband would come home to me crying on the couch and her crying as well. She was so sweet, but impossible to bond with - she was stiff and tense all the time, and crying, intensely, for what seemed like an eternity. We had no outside help and we actually lost friends because no one wanted to visit with our baby screaming nonstop.
    My husband was there all the time though - but all the way through, I thought I was fine, just dealing the best I could. Looking back, I think, and my husband said it first, that I may have had PPD and just never stopped to think about it. She went on to have many other interesting/difficult things happen as she got older, a lot of stresses...but we all got through it together and it's totally worth every minute.

  21. I have a friend who suffered from this and even 10 years later is still experiencing symptoms even with treatment. She has worked her way through it with lots of support from family and friends. It is a difficult thing to deal with.

  22. Thanks for this. I love that Ppd I slowly being talked about more and more.

  23. thanks for this - i think this is not talked about enough


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