Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Kids and video games/tv time

Today I have a post up on the CHEO Moms and Dads blog; it's about kids and screen time.  What are your thoughts on the subject?

Are you super strict with the amount of time your children have with electronics? or are you more relaxed?

We are fairly relaxed - mainly because our kids don't focus solely on electronic devices. They are happiest when they are outside playing, and they get plenty of outdoor time. They also have lots of time to use their imaginations and be creative indoors with the tv off.


  1. I really like your idea of earning video game time. My little guys are still too young for video games but that it one thing that my husband and I are set on... not being stuck inside glued to a video game. We have the TV on quite often but they are always playing and it is on in the background. We also spend A LOT of time outside every day.

  2. Before kids and until my daughter was 3 or so, I was super strict (e.g. almost NO tv) but then...things changed and now I am rather relaxed about it!

  3. I'm a bit more relaxed towards video games, but I must see that they're still going outside to play, or doing other things, and that it's not affecting anything, homework must be done, etc..

  4. We are relaxed, but they don't get to do it daily.

  5. I am very relaxed about it. I let my daughter watch tv but it never stops her from doing other things.

  6. I think it's fine as long as it's not in excess. There needs to be limits placed on them, and no tv or electronics until homework is done, chores are finished and they've had some outside time, too.

  7. I think it is fine, as long as the kids have other interests and do not spend all their time in front of the tv. And of course homework & chores do have to come first.

  8. I am somewhat strict when it comes to TV only because they would spend the entire day watching it if I would let them. They also have access to computers/tablets but they are only allowed to access what is in their own bookmark folders.

  9. I was strict with tv. I have no experience with hand held devices as my children are grown. My grandchildren have hand held devices and the parents do restrict there time, and I listen to their wishes.


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