Tuesday, April 2, 2013

From Pea to Pumpkin - A Pregnancy Journal

When I first became pregnant, I was obsessed with tracking everything. I had found a website online that I could journal in, add pictures etc.  It was a great way for me to keep track of the little things that go along with pregnancy.

After Mr. J was born, I stopped visiting the website and I eventually forgot the name of it - and therefore have none of that information.

I recently was approached to review From Pea to Pumpkin - A Pregnancy Journal (Geralyn Broder Murray) and I am so glad that I did.  I wish that I had this when I was pregnant with both of my boys.

pregnancy journal

The book is broken down into Trimesters, and then it has a weekly page.  It gives a checklist for symptoms and then it has a few leading questions that you can answer, and blank lines to write down whatever info you want.

There are spaces for pictures (ultrasound and belly pics) and it gives you a guide for how big your baby is, in comparison to different foods.

About the Author
Geralyn Broder Murray is the mother of two, a former “mommy blogger” for SheKnows.com and currently blogs for Save Mart Supermarkets. She’s the author of THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE DIAPER PAIL (2008, Villard Books). When not writing about motherhood, she’s talking about it on TV or developing new products for parents as an advertising copywriter and creative director who has handled campaigns for Princess Cruises, Lucky Supermarkets, Mervyn's and Beech-Nut Baby Food. For more information, visit www.listentoyourmothers.com

*I was sent the above product in exchange for a review; all opinions stated belong to Tales of Mommyhood, your opinion and experience may vary*


  1. Journalling is sooooo important when pregnant. My memory is horrible, I'm so glad I have 'their' journals to look back at! :)

    1. My memory used to be terrific - now however, not so much. thanks for visiting!

  2. Awesome! I remember writing in a journal throughout both my pregnancies. I love that this is broken down into trimesters as well as having weekly pages you can update. I wish I would have seen this a few months ago, I know two ladies who would have loved this, but are due any minute now, lol.

    1. I also have a few friends that just had babies recently....too late, but will definitely keep it in my mind for the future

  3. Oh! We reviewed this last week and I absolutely LOVE it!!! Perfect gift for soon-to-be moms!

    1. yep, great gift idea! thanks for stopping by

  4. I was totally obsessed with tracking all the milestones with my first too, by the third boy, well.....

    1. I actually just went through my YDS baby book and made sure to add to it....oops

  5. That is a great book! I was like you OBSESSED!! I wanted to know daily what was forming! Thanks for sharing!

    1. thanks for stopping by! My hubby couldn't understand my obsession - did yours?


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