Thursday, October 4, 2012

Aviva Community Fund

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Aviva Community Fund for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Have you heard of the Aviva Community Fund? The fund has $1,000,000 that they allocate to a yearly competition - the competition gets people to submit their ideas with ways they are trying to better their community.
Why a Competition?
At Aviva, we pride ourselves on being experts in the insurance world. When it comes to protecting your car, home, or business, or helping you deal with a claim, we've got you covered. But when it comes to knowing what it takes to improve your community, we recognize that you know best.
I think this competition is such a great way to get things moving. Even if your idea is not chosen as a winner, it still brings attention to the cause at hand - and might get the ball rolling for funding from other places.  The community I live in is awesome. We have terrific parks for the kids to play at; great schools - but our local food cupboard is always in demand. There are people in need of food, clothing, school supplies. It's wonderful that we have the services - but truly heartbreaking that they are needed - and that demand is so high.
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Since they want to hear YOUR ideas - what are they? Have you ever had the desire to help out your community, but didn't know where to start? Is there a school playground that could use a facelift?  an animal shelter in need of funds?
To submit YOUR idea, register with the Aviva Community Fund website - and follow the instructions from there. There are certain criteria that must be met to be eligible to win, one of them being that wherever the funds go - it must be Canadian.
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The competition is now open for idea submission (from September 24th until November 26th). Voting will be taking place in rounds (to vote you must be a Canadian resident and registered on the Aviva Community Fund website).
For more information, you can Like Aviva Community Fund and Follow @Aviva.
I would love to hear your thoughts - are you active in your community? Do you volunteer?

Visit Sponsor's Site


  1. yup I've been voting this round for the Drawing Hope Project, our community tried one year for a new playground, we went through a lot of rounds but I don't remember if we got the money or not

  2. thank you for sharing didn't know about this before

  3. Hmm...that really gets me thinking of what I would choose. I'd have to sit down and think about this one for a while!

  4. I have participated in the voting before and did this time around. What a great organization and all worthy causes. I'm pulling for the Wildlife. Thanks for sharing.

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo

  5. I love this and have also voted through it before. It's a wonderful organization! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. I hadn't heard of this before. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I know our community has taken part in this competition before, which we didn't win. Can the same community enter again? I love businesses which are community minded.

  8. One of the groups I was attached to had a voting round on Aviva a couple years ago. I know we did not win but we tried hard. Great initiative.

  9. Such a great initiative. Our community has something on right now for getting a YMCA on the Island.

  10. Thanks for sharing, what a great initiative. Thanks for sharing, I should keep this in mind for our community.


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