Monday, August 6, 2012

Let them be messy

The other day, my kids were driving me crazy. With all the hot, humid weather we have had this summer, we have spent more time indoors than I would like. This particular day, it was quite nice outside; I decided that we needed to get out, but Jules didn't want to go for a I packed them in the car and we headed to Michael's to buy finger paints.

We came home, put on our sunscreen and headed out to the backyard and playstructure - and I let them get messy. The 3 of us painted the playstructure, and they had sooooo soooo much fun  - Kyle kept running around yelling "I paint, I paint!". All they wanted was some time to be creative, and this allowed them that freedom. When we were done, we came inside and they had a much needed bath!

 A few pictures from our afternoon outside

Kyle with his paintbrush, Jules and Ky painting, and the mommy aftermath


  1. Awww! I love it! You are so right :) We do need to let kids be messy sometimes! I often forget this. I HATE mess, but kids learn by doing and painting (preferably outdoors like how you did with your kids) is great way to have hours of fun!

    1. I hate when the kids get messy in the house, and with the nice weather it was perfect!

  2. Yes, It comes in to memory some of my son's moments when he was much younger. Off course I am a dad and pay less attention to the looks and much more to safety. I like to safe time for mother as she does the laundry tasks.
    But boy can they look messy,ha ha ha laughing!

  3. haha how fun! I try to hold myself back and let the kids get messy like that every so often as well ;) lol. It's the best way for them to interact and learn!

    1. they had so much fun, we did it again on the holiday monday!

  4. I don't know if I could handle all the mess, yet, I know how important play is. What a good idea you had to have a little fun!

    1. outside is always best for me....really easy clean up

  5. Oh messy... I stay clear. But I have never thought of finger paint and play center, sound like a great idea! I got both here! Thanks we will try it! Then hose off after!

    1. our play structure is wooden. Hubby was originally going to stain it, but I told him to leave it natural and let the kids paint it as time went on....


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