Thursday, August 2, 2012

#babyshower Playtex giveaway

New parents have a lot of decisions to make - breastfeeding or bottlefeeding? cloth vs disposables? what type of diaper system to use?
Why not enter the giveaway below to win a Playtex prize package? It includes a Playtex gift basket and diaper genie (valued at $150.00), as well as a $100.00 babies r us gift card.

Open to Canadians only

Thank you to Kidsumers for organizing this giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I want to win this, thanks for posting the giveaway!

  2. This is an awesome giveaway. Much needed items. I'm a loyal fan of Playtex - I used playtex bottles when I was a baby 34 years ago. Won't use anything else for my boys :-)


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