Tuesday, August 21, 2012

a rare moment

There is slightly more than 3 years between my children, and the majority of the time they don't get along. They pick at each other, bicker, scream, yell, kick, hit, bite and throw things at each other.  It makes for some long, interesting days.

However, we do have extremely occasional moments, that they play really well together. They don't normally  last long, and I often don't capture them, but I happen to have a few to show you.....


  1. Awhhh...they're adorable. These moments make up for all the yelling, kicking and bickering!!

  2. Awww so cute! Those moments can be far and few in between in our household at times too, but it's so great when you catch it happening :)

    1. yes, definitely nice to have the iphone now - much handier for capturing photo's like this

  3. Love moments like those! Your kids are so sweet! Totally adorb!

  4. Oh moments like these with two little ones so close at age are priceless! My two are 23 months apart and this Summer has been eventful with them both at home, love moments like these and your little guys are adorable! :)

  5. Sweet pictures! Even the thought of having more than one kid exhausts me!

    1. I was exhausted with just one; it's tiring, but so rewarding

  6. cute pictures yes kids have lots of energy to scream and get upset :) but it is lovely to see them playing together

  7. Girl, my kids can fight something awful too! Drives us bonkers.

  8. How great that you were able to capture them on film.
    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo

  9. oh boy! My girls have 3 yrs and 11 months between them and it's ain't pretty here either! :(

    1. makes me wonder what will happen when they hit the tween stage

  10. Hmmm, I think my previous comment got eaten! Anyway, we are finding more and more that as our kids are getting older, they are starting to take small moments between fights to hug and hold hands. It's totally worth it!

  11. Take 3! As my kids have been getting older, they have been showing signs of love by hugging and holding hands more. Of course, this is between the insane fights they have over who is going to wash their hands first...

    1. I have seen the pics Kris puts up with them getting along - awesome!


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