Thursday, April 19, 2012

Summer Fruit Pizza - Guest post from One Sleepy Mom

I would like to introduce you all to Stephanie at The Moody Blonde / One Sleepy Mom- she is guest posting today - welcome Stephanie!


Hello Everyone!  My name is Stephanie.  I’m a stay at home mom of 3 beautiful girls, ages 17, 15, and 17 months.  (Yes, I’m crazy and busy!)  I blog over at The Moody Blonde about a little of everything.  I like to say that my blog is schizophrenic.  You never know what you’re going to get!

I’d also like to give an extra special thanks to Ashley for letting me guest post my recipe here today.

This is actually a Pampered Chef recipe.  Back in the 90’s (really dating myself here), I was a Pampered Chef consultant.  This recipe was one of the first I learned, and also one of the most delicious.  And super simple.  My motto for life is “the simpler the better“!  With the warm weather coming quickly, who couldn’t use a quick and easy summer dessert recipe?

Summer Fruit Pizza

One package of cream cheese, softened (Any brand will do - I usually go generic.)
One package of refrigerated cookie dough - If you are a great baker, go ahead and make your own cookie dough.  I’m just not that kind of girl!
1/3 cup of sugar
4 cups of fresh fruit - I used strawberries, kiwi, and peaches, but you can use anything you’d like.

Start by rolling the cookie dough into a huge ball, and then spread it out onto a pizza stone, leaving about an inch around each edge for the cookie to expand.  (Because this is a Pampered Chef recipe, they recommend the stone, and I happen to have one.  A regular cookie sheet would work just fine.)

Bake at 350 for 18-20 minutes.  While the cookie is baking, mix together the cream cheese and the sugar.  Cut up your fruit.

After letting the cookie cool, spread the cream cheese mixture onto the cookie, and then decorate with the fruit.

Yes, it’s that simple.  And if you serve it to guests, they will think you are AMAZING!  


  1. I'm going to pin that puppy - that looks so beautiful and yummy! Thanks for sharing that. I LOVE Pampered Chef Stoneware - I honestly don't know what I'd do without it!

  2. This looks absolutely delicious and very beautiful! I twist on making pizza, I'm sure my kiddos would love this. Thanks for the recipe!

  3. Wow love that! (and I am a refrigerated cookie dough kind of mom too!)

  4. oh my lands... that fruit pizza looks awesome

  5. Thank you everyone! I hope you all get a chance to try it. It really is delicious!

  6. Yum! I'm going to have to make this for my family dinner this weekend.

  7. WOW! Pinned!!!! This sounds incredibly yummy! I'm so trying this out!


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