Monday, April 23, 2012

Ride a Bike. Extend a Life

For 25 years, the Becel Heart & Stroke Ride for Heart has been raising money to help fund research into heart disease and stroke.  The ultimate goal of the Heart & Stroke foundation is to eradicate heart disease and stroke - and money raised will help them in their research to achieve their goal.

When I was 15, my father died. He had a heart attack - all of a sudden, he was gone. At the time, it was the biggest life event I had experienced (and even now, 17 years later is still pretty high on the list).

I want to help raise money for research into Heart Disease and Stroke - and you can help too! This year, the Becel Heart & Stroke Ride for Heart is taking place in Toronto on Sunday June 3. For more information on the Ride for Heart, to register or to donate - visit the website.

Unfortunately, I cannot make it for the ride - but I did just make a donation in my fathers memory - who do you know that has been affected by heart disease and stroke?


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your father!

    My grandfather died of heart disease.
    My grandmother had multipile strokes.
    My father in law HAS heart issues.

    This is definitely a worthy cause! Thank you for posting.

  2. Hugs to you. My Grandfather had heart attacks from 1997, until 2007 when he died on average 1 a year sometimes more sometimes less. But it was horrible never knowing if this was when he was going to pass.

    This has always been one of my go to charities to support.

  3. So sorry to hear about your dad. In our family there is more cancer than Heart disease. Such a great cause.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad :( I often donate to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. When I was little my mom used to canvas our neighbourhood for donations for them.

  5. My biggest sympathies to you for losing your dad, when I was about 15 too, my dad had a heart attack. He's had another since and thankfully is still with us. It's such a real disease that affects so many. I'd love to be involved some way.

  6. thanks for the replies everyone - it definitely is a cause that most people can related to. Thanks for reading

  7. We support the Becel Ride for Heart as well, our family has been touched by both heart disease and stokes.

  8. oh wow- what a traumatic thing to experience as a teen. I'm so sorry. I can see why you are passionate about this cause!

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad.

    Stroke has impacted the life of my Great Grandma. She still triumphs on after numerous attacks.

    Heart disease has affected many lives on the hubs side of the family.

  10. Hey Ash, I remember when your dad passed and how tough it was on Wes. You and I weren't really acquaintances at the time but I certainly sympathize. We have a big work event for this every year and it's such a great cause. Thanks for sharing your story!

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad, but thank you for sharing your story.

    My FIL has had a heart attack.
    My dad has congestive heart disorder, and has had a stroke.
    My grandfather died from a stroke.
    My grandmother experienced multiple strokes before she passed away.
    The heart & stroke foundation is such an important charity to me, one I support in various ways throughout the year.


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