Friday, March 9, 2012

The first time they say "I love you"

Do you remember the first time your child told you they loved you? without you saying it first?

Julien was a late talker - he had a few words, but his first word explosion wasn't until he was 2.5.  I don't remember the first time he said it back to me, but I do remember the first time he said it on his own.

picture taken *around* the same time

It was Mother's Day weekend, 2010. I was pregnant with Kyle, and we had taken Julien out to one of our favorite restaurants for an early dinner.  He looked across the table at me, started doing a wierd thing with his hands/arms and then ended with "I love you". The following week, I figured out he had been acting out "skinna marinky dinky dink) and he ended it with I love you....but after that, he said it often.

Being pregnant and hormonal at the time, he had me near tears and I still remember the emotions of the day - *almost* 2 years later.

Do you remember the first time your children said it to you? Leave me a comment and let me know!


  1. My daughter is 11 months old and only knows a few words. Can't wait to hear the words "I Love you" come from her =)


  2. No. I am a terrible person! That's why it's a good thing I'm blogging again I guess.

    1. HA - I don't think your a terrible person. If he hadn't been such a late talker, I don't know that I would remember it either

  3. i feel bad i don't remember when was the first. she always say it now though and I appreciate it every time.


  4. Oh my goodness, I'm sad to say that I don't remember the first time my kids said I love you. But I do know that just yesterday, my 3 year old son was kissing me all over my face and I told my hubby that although I was feeling attacked - one day I would really miss that affection!

    Great post!
    Visiting from SASS:

  5. How cute! I can't say I remember the exact first time but I do remEmebr the general feeling of hearing it when it was new. Now I cherish it everytime I hear it! SASS

  6. I don't remember it either, but I'm happy to say that my kiddo's tell me often, so at least I always remember the latest time they did :)

    Adventures in Miscellany - SASS

  7. My daughter picked up this little code when she was 9 months old. She would clamp her hands together and move her arms back and forth across her chest in a rocking motion. We never understood what she was trying to convey until she said those 3 little words around 19 months with accompanying movements. It was so sweet to piece it all together. - SASS

  8. Great post - DS JUST started saying "OVE YOU" and it melt my heart ever time


  9. DS2 says A LOT of things. I love you, with words, isn't one of them yet. I will have to remember to remember :)


  10. Sweet post. I just read this and realized I don't remember. I don't remember the first time my daughter said I love you. I remember the shock and the thrill of the first time she said Mama, but not love you. Girl#2 started signing I Love You when she was still quite young, like maybe a year old. Don't remember the 1st time she said it though. I'm lousy at documenting this stuff. - SASS


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