Yesterday we had our anatomy scan done (standard 18-20 week u/s) I was 19 weeks and 5 days. It was awesome to see the little bean again! We were able to find out the gender, but that will remain our little secret until this little babe makes it's appearance in August!
At the last u/s, bean was sleeping and they kept having to poke/prod me to try and get the little one moving around to get the measurements they needed, so this time I ate a cookie right before I went in. Wow, apparently my child has a sweet tooth even in the womb. Bean was dancing all over the place, making it hard for her to get the measurements needed - oops.
All looks well (of course they can't tell me if something is wrong though and the hb was 139bpm. I am in love with this baby.
We did get a picture, and requested that there be NO WAY to tell the gender, so she cut the scan at the hips! This way, no matter how hard you study you cannot tell what we are having!
I will scan the u/s pic later and add it, but for now this is my update.
I can't believe I will be 20 weeks along tomorrow! Half way there, wow! So exciting!
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