Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tasty Tuesday - Home Made Granola Bars

easy, delicious granola bars

I am a fan of granola bars - quick and easy. I am not, however a fan of all the sugar in the store bought ones - even though they taste great and are easy to keep in the cupboard.  I much prefer home made items, because I control the exact ingredients and amounts.

My mom came across a recipe for granola bars in a Chatelaine magazine, and they looked interesting, so I figured I would try them.  You can find the recipe HERE - but I will post below my version, as I altered it a bit  (yes, there is still sugar in the bars - and probably still not much healthier than a cookie, but they can be adapted to add in almost anything you want - I will probably make some with peanut butter, but those would be for home only, not school)


1 1/4 cup quick oats
1/4 cup softened butter
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup rice cereal
3/4 cup chopped pretzels
1/3 cup chocolate chips

1) Brown the oats in a fry pan - stir frequently; set aside
2) Combine the butter, honey and brown sugar in a sauce pan over medium heat; bring to a boil and then remove from heat.
3) Add dry ingredients (not chocolate chips) and stir until combined. Add in chocolate chips and quickly stir, then spread into prepared pan.
4) Refrigerate 15 -20 minutes, then cut into bars or squares.
5) Store in fridge - removing a few minutes before eating


  1. Thanks for the recipe, I am going to try making these tomorrow for lunches this week. Have you tried making them with Peanut Butter yet? (Judy Cowan)

  2. I have some left over pretzels and now I know how to use them up. Thanks for the recipe. I just posted a Almond Butter Granola Recipe that has no sugar in it @ http://retireforthefunofit.com but my husband likes his sugar!!!


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